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Vol. 10 No. 1 (1998)
Vol. 10 No. 1 (1998)
Full Issue
PDF (Italiano)
Doctrinal Issues
The Person in the Canonical Order: The Relationship Between the Person and That Which Is Right in the Church
C. J. Errázuriz M.
3 - 36
PDF (Italiano)
The Community as a Source of Law: Ecclesiological and Social Presuppositions of the Custom
J. Otaduy
37 - 87
PDF (Español)
Synodal Participation in the Governance of the Church: Problems Regarding Synodal Organs with Power of Governance
P. Érdö
89 - 107
PDF (Italiano)
The Suppression and Union of Parishes, and the Reduction to Profane Use of Parish Churches
F. Daneels
111 - 148
PDF (Italiano)
The Original Text of the C. 29 of Gratian’s Decree
J. M. Viejo-Ximénez
149 - 185
PDF (Español)
Jurisprudential Decisions and Comments
Suppressionis paroeciae et reductionis ecclesiae in usum profanum non sordidum. Decreto definitivo. 4 maggio 1996. Agustoni, Prefetto, Ponente
Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica
195 - 189
PDF (Italiano)
Reductionis ecclesiae in usum profanum. Sentenza definitiva. 4 maggio 1996. Agustoni, Prefetto, Ponente
Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica
196 - 203
PDF (Italiano)
Suppressions paroeciae - Decreto definitivo - 25 giugno 1994 - Prot. N. 24048/93 CA - Fagiolo, Ponente
Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica
205 - 206
PDF (Italiano)
Il contenuto del “bonum prolis” e del “bonum fidei” alla luce del fenomeno della procreazione artificiale.
H. Franceschi F.
207 - 252
PDF (Italiano)
Notes and Comments
General Legislation of the Procedure for the Formation of Administrative Acts in Canon Law
J. Canosa
255 - 273
PDF (Italiano)
Lowering the wall of separation between Church and State in the United States.
C. R. Whaley, D. G. Duncan
275 - 279
Considerations Regarding the Necessity of the Intervention of Advocates in Processes for the Declaration of the Nullity of Canonical Marriage
F. J. Ramos
281 - 290
PDF (Italiano)
AA.VV., Os Sacramentos da Iniciagào Crista. Estudo interdisciplinar. Ill Jornadas de Direito Canónico. 23-26 de Abril de 1993 - Fatima
A. S. Sánchez-Gil
293 - 295
BARDI, M., Il dolo nel matrimonio canonico
T.J. Zárraga C.
295 - 299
BLANCO, T., La noción canònica de contrato. Estudio de su vigencia en el CIC de 1983
E. Baura
299 - 304
BURKE, C., L’oggetto del consenso matrimoniale. Un’analisi personalistica
C. J. Errázuriz M.
304 - 312
CÁRCEL ORTÌ, V., Mártires españoles del siglo XX
J. Llobell
312 - 315
DE CHARTRES, Y., Prologue
D. Le Tourneau
315 - 317
CHIAPPETTA L., Il Codice di Diritto Canonico. Commento giuridico-pastorale
J. I. Arrieta
317 - 319
MAJER, P., El error que determina la voluntad. Can. 1099 del CIC de 1983
M. Gas Aixendri
319 - 324
NERI A., Nuove forme di vita consacrata (Can. 605 C.l.C.)
A. Filipazzi
326 - 328
PALESTRO, V., Rassegna di giurisprudenza rotale nelle cause iurium e penali (1909-1993)
V. Pacillo
328 - 332
Schouppe J.-P., Elementi di diritto patrimoniale canonico
J. Miñambres
332 - 334
VÁZQUEZ GARCÍA-PEÑUELA, J. M. - DEL MAR MARTÍN, M. - MARÍN, M. D., Repertorio bibliográfico de Derecho eclesiástico español (1953-1993)
M. A. Ortiz
334 - 336
VITALE, A., Corso di diritto ecclesiastico. Ordinamento giuridico ed interessi religiosi, 8“ ed.
L. Del Giudice
336 - 338
A Note on the Regulation for the Examination of Doctrines of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith from June 29, 1997
D. Cito
341 - 351
A Note on the Instructions for Diocesan Synods from the Congregation for the Bishops and the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples from March 19, 1997
J. González Ayesta
352 - 377
A Note on the Norms Regarding the Administrative Regime of Italian Regional Ecclesiastical Tribunals and the Activity of Advocates in Those Tribunals of the Italian Episcopal Conference from March 18, 1997
F. Lozupone
378 - 396
A Note on the Complementary Norms to the CIC Emanated by the Episcopal Conference of Paraguay on November 12, 1994
J. T. Martín De Agar
396 - 418
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