The secrecy of confession and the professional secrecy of priests. In the saint-siege-states bilateral agreements


  • Pierre Laffon de Mazières Docteur en droit canonique de l’Université pontificale de la Sainte-Croix, Rome, IT
  • Dominique Le Tourneau Professeur émérite du Studium de Droit canonique de Lyon, FR


Concordat, Diplomatic Agreement, Secrecy of Confession, Professional Secrecy, Religious Freedom


The protection of the secrecy of confession finds in the Concordat instrument a tool much appreciated by the Holy See, especially in African countries. This is clear from an examination of recent agreements, which often contain an article on the subject.  If several Western countries attack or threaten this secrecy in their legislation, diplomatic channels could be used increasingly to protect this freedom of the Church. A study of the situation in a country like France highlights the tensions and issues at stake. A careful reading of the concordats in force reveals 5 fundamental principles relating to the secrecy of confession and professional secrecy. For the Holy See and the States, these fundamental principles are legal guarantees to protect the secrecy of confession and the professional secrecy of priests. These 2 secrets are importants aspects of religious freedom.





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