Marriage ministry after Amoris laetitia as family accompaniment


  • Miguel Ángel Ortiz Professore Ordinario di Diritto Matrimoniale Canonico, Pontificia Università Santa Croce, Roma, IT


Marriage, Family, Preparation, Accompaniment, Nullity, Pre-judicial or Pastoral Inquiry


The publication of the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life provides an opportunity to take a look at marriage pastoral care in the present pontificate. The Pope states that it is a duty of justice for the mother Church to devote time and energy to the preparation of those whom the Lord calls to such a great mission as the family. The challenges of marriage pastoral care concern the seriousness of preparation – from childhood onwards – as a way of preventing failures and nullities, and the accompaniment of the faithful on the path to holiness in marriage and the family. The different moments of family pastoral care (preparation, healing, evangelisation) are to be seen as an expression of the accompaniment offered by the Church – pastors, families, tribunal – to realise one’s vocation. The paper focuses on marriage preparation, the accompaniment of wounded couples and the discernment of the possible nullity of the celebrated marriage.





Doctrinal Issues