The recourse to the sub conditione absolution in the sacrament of reconciliation


  • Massimo del Pozzo Professore ordinario, Facoltà di Diritto Canonico, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Roma, Italia



Sacrament of Penance, Absolution sub condicione, Doubt Regarding Capacity, Doubt Regarding Disposition, Dignity of the Sacrament


Absolution sub condicione is founded on the overcoming of pos­sible doubts in light of the salvific need for forgiveness. In light of the modern theological-canonical examination of absolution and the configuration of the hypothesis of its conditioning in the cur­rent sacramental economy, this article analyzes the juridical ratio of condition in the sacrament of Penance. The logic of the possibility of a conditioned absolu­tion corresponds to the interpenetration between the dignity of the sacrament, the spiritual needs of the penitent, and the responsibility of the minister. Faced with a serious and grave set of circum­stances, doubt regarding the capacity or disposition of the faithful is resolved on the basis of a prevalent ecclesial interest in the administration of the sacrament. This hypothesis does not, however, im­ply the cessation of ministerial respon­sibility or moral certitude; thus, the reservation of this disposition must be understood in a rather restrictive way, provided that it does not coincide with doubts regarding capacity. The residual force of this case invites us to an endur­ing recognition of and respect for the sacredness and objectivity of the sacra­mental relationship.





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