Recent Developments Regarding the Bodies and Representatives of the Holy See in the So-Called “Society of International Law”


  • F. Vecchi



Holy See; Regional International Organizations; Representation and diplomacy apostolic; Permanent observer; Treaties.


With the accession in 2013 to the Central American Integration Sy- stem (SICA), the Holy See has confirmed not only its presence in the multilateral international relations, but also the elasticity in welcoming the legal principles of the international regional right. The apostolic delegate with permanent observer status here has a special juridical intermediate founded on Caritas. The new can. 363 §2 CIC describes this office. His missio adapts to the specific context of the SICA. This organization crowns certainly the ancient dream of regional unity but merges human rights and economic issues in a framework that could obscure the primacy of mission. However, in harmony with Pastor Bonus document, the Holy See explains its participation in the international organizational dimension, in that it sought to cure main “issues of a public nature”. The action of pontifical diplomacy is thus reduced to an anthropological genuine protection of human rights. 





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