Apostasy and the Juridical Handling of Personal Data: the European Juridical Experience


  • M. Gas I Aixendri Docente di Diritto canonico - Universidad Internacional de Cataluña (Barcellona).


Apostasy, Protection of Personal Information, Freedom of Religion, Right to the Intimacy.


In the last years in diverse countries of Europe have been taken place some campaigns to apostatize of the catholic Church, asking for the the cancellation of personal information of the Books of baptisms. An act of religious meaning such is apostasy, has acquired relevancy before the Law of the State. The ways of solving this conflict have been different according to the countries. The article makes some reflections on the conflict between the right of freedom of religion and the right of protection of personal information. The Author sustains that the conflict is only apparent and analyzes the solutions contributed by the jurisdictional organs, focusing specially in Spain and Italy, where the conflict has acquired major proportions. It alludes also to the German Law and Canon Law on protection of personal data.






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