Introduction to the Presentation of Gaetano Lo Castro’s Trilogy “The Mystery of the Law”


  • L. Navarro Ordinario di Diritto della persona. Pontificia Università della Santa Croce


Can. 865. Adult Baptism. Irregular Marriage Situations. Moral Dispositions. Repentance.


This article examines the question of admitting to baptism those living in situations contrary to the dignity of marriage (cohabitation or invalid civil marriage) in light of constant canonical practice and recent magisterial teaching. The objective contradiction between the personal condition of the one seeking baptism and the spousal love of Christ compromises the truth and value of the sacramental sign. In effect, the right to baptism is intrinsically conditioned by the fact that it is directed toward salvation. In these situations only authentic repentance (externally proven) will make it possible to pursue Christian initiation. In reality, the impediment to receiving the sacrament does not lay in the judgment of the Church, but in the free decision of the person about his life. The dignity of the sacrament and the requirement of personal conversion provide reason, therefore, to delay the conferral of the sacrament in absence of real coherence in the life of the individual at that particular moment in time.





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