Received contributions (in the following sections: doctrine, jurisprudence, notes and comments) will be submitted by the Editorial Board to the double-blind peer-review process for evaluation of two reviewers who are experts in the scholarly field of the contribution, in accordance with the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement. The author will be notified within three months of whether his/her work has been accepted for publication and, whether it will be necessary to make any changes. In the case of a negative response, the author will be given an anonymous summary of the reviewer’s decision. The evaluation process is suspended during the month of August.
Peer-reviewers will evaluate the article according the following criteria:
- relevance of the text to the scientific field of IUS 11 (legal discipline of the religious phenomenon, ecclesiastical law, canon law, history and systems of Church/State relations, history of religious institutions, religious comparative law, law of confessional pluralism, etc.: cf. Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, Ministerial Decree of 7 June 2012 No. 76);
- critical knowledge of doctrine and related jurisprudence;
- methodological correctness;
- clarity in exposition;
- originality.
Evaluation of the article can lead to the following results:
- publishable, subject to potential modifications according to the journal’s editorial criteria;
- publishable after making a few indicated corrections;
- publishable only after adequate re-elaboration (the reasons for which are to be justified);
- unpublishable.
The Review Board includes the following professors: Nicolás Álvarez de las Asturias, José Antonio Araña, Alessandro Aste, Sergio Aumenta, Juan Ignacio Bañares, Remigio Beneyto Berenguer, José Bernal, Giacomo Bertolini, Federico Bertotto, Andrea Bettetini, Paolo Bianchi, María Blanco, Antonello Blasi, Javier Canosa, Jorge Castro Trapote, Francesco Catozzella, Arturo Cattaneo, Daniel Cenalmor, Antonio Chizzoniti, Davide Cito, Myriam Cortés, Pierpaolo Dal Corso, Andrea D’Auria, Massimo del Pozzo, Elena di Bernardo, Cyrille Dounot, Gabriela Eisenring, Benedict Ejeh, Bruno Esposito, Costantino-Matteo Fabris, Carlo Fantappiè, Andrea Favaro, Javier Ferrer Ortiz, Héctor Franceschi, Manuel Ganarin, Carmen Garcimartín, Montserrat Gas Aixendri, Pablo Gefaell, Libero Gerosa, Paolo Gherri, Bruno Gonçalves, Wojciech Góralski, Markus Graulich, Stephan Haering, Giacomo Incitti, Claudia Izzi, David Jaeger, Janusz Kowal, Dominique Le Tourneau, Lorenzo Lorusso, Venerando Marano, Kurt Martens, Federico Marti, María del Mar Martín, Javier Martínez-Torrón, Roberto Mazzola, Chiara Minelli, Jorge Miras, Paolo Moneta, Agostino Montan, Gian Paolo Montini, Carlos Morán, Gloria Morán, Matteo Nacci, Luis Navarro, María Elena Olmos Ortega, Miguel Angel Ortiz, Javier Otaduy, Vincenzo Pacillo, Rafael Palomino, Claudio Papale, Francesco Pappadia, Carmen Peña García, Alberto Perlasca, Bruno Pighin, Joseph Thomas Pini, Massimo del Pozzo, Vicente Prieto, Fernando Puig, Mauro Rivella, Urlich Rhode, María Roca Fernández, Rafael Rodríguez Ocaña, Tomasz Rozkrut, Luigi Sabbarese, Antonio Sánchez-Gil, Claudio Sartea, Nikolaus Schöch, Jean-Pierre Schouppe, Joaquin Sedano, Thierry Sol, Vincenzo Turchi, José M. Vázquez García-Peñuela, Ana Vega, Antonio Viana, José Miguel Viejo-Ximénez, Matteo Visioli, Ilaria Zuanazzi.